Dick Sweet Standing Rule
Purpose & Sponsor
The purpose of this series is to promote team racing amongst other clubs in a fun, friendly and Corinthian manner.
- All participating clubs must be a current member of SCYYRA.
- Interested clubs shall request a berth by 1800 on the Thursday prior to the first day of the event by contacting the series chairperson. If a team fails to meet this deadline they shall not be allowed to sail unless approved by the series chairperson.
- There is a limit of one (1) team per SCYYRA club.
- There shall not be a limit on the number of team members. Team members MUST be a member or active participant in the Jr. Sailing Program of the club they are representing.
- Sailors shall be weighed in during registration and the INSA weight requirements shall be enforced for all team members. Sailors failing to compete with the proper weights shall be disqualified from all races that day.
- Entry fee is $100.00. Teams shall pay their entry in full prior to the first event. Checks shall be made payable to SCYYRA. No team shall participate without being properly registered. Reg
The Series
The series will consist of three scheduled one day regattas. The regattas will be held during the months of the summer sailing program on a weekday.
Team Pinnies
Each team shall wear an identifying team pinnie as the top layer over the approved flotation device. Yellow Pinnies will be provided to the current leading team at the end of each days racing. For the first event, the previous year’s winning team shall be awarded the Yellow Pinnies.
Daily Results
At the end of each day’s racing, the host club will provide a snack, and results will be announced. The Yellow Pinnies will be redistributed to the new overall leading team as necessary.
- The Dick Sweet Perpetual trophy shall be awarded at or after the last event.
- Suitable take home awards shall be provided to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams. There will be 4 take home trophies per team.
- The Perpetual Trophy shall be kept at the United States Sailing Center Long Beach (USSCLB) or at a place determined by the SCYYRA Board of Directors. The names of the club and skippers shall be engraved on the trophy.
- US Sailing appendix D (Team Racing Rules) shall apply.
- Ties shall be broken by appendix D.
- The regatta shall consist of at least three (3) complete round robins. It is possible that under good sailing conditions, some of the flights of the next round robin will be raced on the current day. The series chairperson may add additional rounds as the number of teams may dictate including a final four, petite finals and finals.
- All scores carry over.
The course for the races will be a digital N. Races shall aim to be 9-11 minutes long.
Race Management
- There will be standard race instructions provided by the Sweet Series Chairman. Any changes to standard race instructions must be approved by the Chairman and will be posted online at www.scyyra.org.
- The Race Committee shall be competent people who can efficiently run a regatta. Race Committee personnel may not coach a team.
- Motorboats shall patrol the course, but their primary focus is the safety of all competitors and must act as a rescue vessel. Coaches can ride in motorboats but at least two coaches from different clubs must ride in the same vessel. If coaches do not want to be on the water, rescue boats are still needed and volunteers (usually from the host club) will be asked to man vessels.
- Coaching, yelling, or conversation between spectators/ coaches during a race is not permitted. Any participant receiving advice is subject to disqualification.
- Protest Committees will be comprised of at least two people representing different clubs and who do not have a vested interest in the decision.