
SCYYRA Advanced Racing Clinic

November 06, 2017
Event Flyer Online Registration

Clinic Date: December 2-3, 2017 at the United States Sailing Center - Long Beach

Applications Due: November 17, 2017

Advanced Racing sailors in Southern California are invited to apply. Sailors must be in the 8th grade or higher, and have significant racing experience. This includes participants in the SCYYRA Shadden, Ullman, Frost, Perry Series’, and other SoCal High School aged sailors that have been involved in serious C420, CFJ, Laser or Laser Radial programs.

Members of the 2018 SCYYRA Advanced Racing Team are required to attend the clinic. Please complete the application online by November 17, 2017. We will publish the list of accepted sailors on the SCYYRA Website by or before Wednesday evening November 22, 2017.

Boats: C420, CFJ, Lasers / Radials, 29ers Minimum of 8 Boats to form a Class (Lasers/Radials Combined).

Coaches to include: Steve Hunt, Nick Kaschak, Nate Dunham, Kayla McComb, Cameron MacLaren and more to come.

Clinic Fee: $200.00 per person. Includes: Continental breakfast and lunch both days, dinner Saturday evening, top level coaching, safety boats, video, facilities, etc. 2018 SCYYRA Team Members Pay 1⁄2 Price.

Charter Boats: Limited numbers of CFJ’s and C420’s may be available for charter for $200 for the clinic. Sails are $100 extra. Contact Mike Segerblom separately, well in advance to arrange charter boats.

Housing: Housing arrangements will need to be made by each sailor. A discount rate at the Ayres Hotel in Seal Beach may be available. For group bookings please contact Lynell DePerio, Director of Sales 562-296-1408. For individual reservations click the booking tool link below or copy/paste it into a web browser to receive the USSC rate.

This is a very nice hotel with a pool/Jacuzzi and full breakfast is included. The hotel is owned by sailors!

RSVP and Reservations: The size of this clinic will be limited in each class. Eligible participants must reserve a spot by completing the Online Registration no later than November 17, 2017.